11 Purpose-Driven Brands That Are Making A Serious Impact

What does it mean to be purpose-driven? It means that a company’s mission isn’t just about turning a profit – it’s about making an impact in the world. These 11 companies are changing the game, and making a serious impact in their industry.

Purpose-Driven Branding

63% of customers say that they prefer to do business with purpose-driven brands. 

Imagine you’re relatable, have a story to tell, and are purposeful. This automatically sets you apart from the competition and makes your business distinctive. Sadly, all businesses have goals, but some have no purpose.

Luckily, though, there are plenty of purpose-driven businesses that are making waves in their respective industries and profiting from it. In this article, we’ll look at what it means to be a purpose-driven brand and what examples there are that you can mimic.

Purpose-driven brand

What Is A Purpose-Driven Brand? 

A purpose-driven brand is one that has a reputation. It has a mission and a vision, usually related to solving a specific problem. In many cases, it can even satisfy a need. 

Purpose-driven brands often show their purpose through their culture, brand statement, tagline, activities, goals, and more. They wear it like a badge and sometimes even explain it on their about us or company page. 

Aside from attracting more quality customers, being purpose-driven also ensures that you build lasting relationships with your customers. They become more loyal to your business. 79% of Americans said they are more loyal and more likely to defend purpose-driven brands. 

So when you build your business, think about what you can solve and how you can attract customers who’ll stay loyal to you.

The Perfect Brand Name!

Every purpose-driven brand starts with a name. Try our business name generator to find catchy name ideas for your new business. The generator is completely free and has no limitations.

Purpose-Driven Brands You Can Emulate 

Here are eleven brands that are currently using purpose to increase brand awareness and positive impact in society.

They can serve as inspiration for anyone looking to build a purpose-driven brand.

1. Patagonia 

Even though Patagonia looks like an outdoor clothing store at first glance, its goal is to create a legacy. You can see that in the way they talk about passing on purchases to the next generation. Not only do they offer durable products, but they also offer what they really care about – the environment.

They’re actively trying to do something about the climate crisis, and their environmental activism is admirable. Because they’re so committed, you can clearly see the steps they’ve taken to become an environmentally conscious brand.

First of all, they get their hands dirty by making sure employees use their role in sports to make positive changes. They also have a working group that comes up with events and volunteering opportunities.

This is also supported by the many donations to charitable organizations and research grants to identify the root causes of problems.


Key Takeaways

– Get actively involved in the cause you’re fighting for.
– Create a page where you present your goals so that users can see them at a glance.

2. Warby Parker 

Let’s face it, a lot of people in the world today need glasses. And while there are plenty of eye doctors who can help, not everyone can afford glasses. Warby Parker, an eye care brand, recognizes this need and gives back to local communities.

As part of the Buy a Pair, Give a Pair initiative, they’ve partnered with individuals and organizations to alleviate vision impairment.

Every time a pair of glasses is purchased from Warby Parker, someone in need is given a pair of glasses. Not only do they give out glasses directly, but they also empower people in remote areas to have eye exams and sell glasses at very reasonable prices.

What’s interesting is that they make it clear how much giving away a pair of glasses can improve someone’s life to show their impact.

Warby Parker

Key Takeaways

– Use statistics to show what impact you’ve made. 
– Choose a cause that’s closely related to your brand offering.

3. Axe

Although Axe hasn’t exactly had a mission in the past, the company has now decided to use its appeal to promote inclusion, equality, and diversity. Currently, they’re using their platform to talk about the experiences of people from different backgrounds. 

Not only do they share these experiences, but they also ensure that this is reflected in their partnerships, collaborations, and even their corporate culture. By employing a diverse workforce, they can also provide richer contributions. 

Axe went a step further and showed that their new purpose isn’t just a bluff. By changing their fragrances to be much more inclusive, they’re creating non-traditional scents. They call this the Axe Effect.

They don’t skimp on the environment either, as they’re very committed to sustainable branding. On their value page, they report how much plastic they’ve saved and how they’ve adopted a recycling strategy.


Key Takeaways

– You can always rebrand to make your company’s purpose clear. 
– Let your purpose be expressed in the partners and employees you work with.

4. Liberesse

Liberesse, also known as Saba, is a period care brand that has more than one brand purpose. The first is that women should be able to live their lives without feeling ashamed when they have their periods.

And so they champion this mission by supporting other women and lending them a sanitary napkin. Here they share stories about their periods and encourage women to talk about those experiences. There’s also a meme maker that takes the stigma out of talking about periods. 

Liberesse is also committed to protecting the earth through eco-friendly solutions. This is done through sustainable goals like using eco-friendly materials in production and more.


Key Takeaways

– You can have more than one brand purpose and pursue both effectively.
– It’s okay to have a fun side while accomplishing your mission, especially if you’re a relaxed brand.

5. Beardbrand

Unlike most brands that opt for sustainability, Beardbrand takes a bolder approach to their purpose. They focus solely on building self-confidence by encouraging people to see their personal care as an investment. 

As a bold brand, their first value is freedom. And they take great pride in the fact that they’re independent enough to focus on what matters most – self-confidence. 

Beardbrand also says they only want to provide quality. Instead of finding quick fixes, they take the time to work out a solution. Because they’re confident, they’re also very transparent about their processes and ingredients.

Key Takeaways

– Build trust with your audience by being transparent.
– Always put your customers first – your mission should always be with them first.

6. Ikea

IKEA is a furniture brand that invests and takes action to address environmental issues, reduce carbon footprints and drive positive change. IKEA stands not only for environmental change, but also for sustainable and social impact. 

Their primary mission is to improve the daily lives of people around the world. They do this by promoting equality, social entrepreneurship, and community involvement. With all these actions and regular surveys, they show that people come first for them.

Aside from their social impact, they also create energy-saving solutions by being a sustainable brand. All their product design isn’t only affordable but also recyclable.

Even though it seems like they want to achieve so much, it’s doable because they’re a big brand with store chains in several countries. By covering all the issues that affect the daily lives of people, they’re only closer to achieving their vision.


Key Takeaways

– Take actionable steps that bring you closer to your goal.
– Keep conducting surveys to learn what you can do better with your brand.

7. Chipotle

Perhaps one of the most inspiring statements about brand purpose comes from Chipotle. They believe that food has the power to change the world, and they do this by being real.

Since Chipotle is a very quirky brand, they explain what they mean by “being real.” It’s simply values related to offering organic food, animal welfare, sustainability, and supporting people through career opportunities. 

This food brand was also one of the national restaurants committed to using only responsibly raised meat with the highest animal welfare standards. 

They also recognized that they were contributing to landfills and decided to divert their waste by recycling their plastic gloves. Each year they produce a sustainability report to show how close they’re to their goal of reducing landfill waste by 50%.

Key Takeaways

– If you’re working on improving sustainability, create a report to track and show your impact regularly.
– Unlike Chipotle, you should choose a business name that’s easy to pronounce and spell. 

8. Nike

Nike‘s brand purpose is a simple one-liner: move the world forward. The steps they take to achieve this are building communities, protecting the planet, and increasing access to sports.

For community building, they’ve invested in organizations that focus on empowerment, education, and equality. Nike also promotes diversity, equality, and inclusion through its products, collaborations, and more. Nike has also chosen to use sustainable materials that have less impact on the environment.

As one of the most purpose-driven brands, Nike has recorded all of its successes and failures in achieving its brand purpose in an impact report from the beginning. And it’s been doing so for 20 years.


Key Takeaways

– To become a household name, you must stay true to your purpose, and it’ll pay off in the years to come.
– In addition to your purpose, you should set priorities that will help you stay on track.

9. Starbucks

As a coffee company that sees a cup of coffee as art, Starbucks’ brand purpose goes beyond profit. Instead, it’s about positively impacting the communities they serve. And so they do it for people and the planet. 

To serve people, Starbucks invests in the well-being of farmers, partners, customers, and most importantly, its employees. So for every human touchpoint, there’s a need to serve.

They also want to do something for the environment. That’s why they donate coffee trees and plan to plant 100 million trees by 2025. The goal is to help farmers and their communities. Starbucks is also reducing waste in landfills through recycling and reusable cups.

Key Takeaways

– Document your social and environmental impact on your company blog to create transparency.
– Be innovative with your solutions and projects.

10. The Body Shop

The Body Shop, as its name suggests, is committed to a more just and beautiful world. This purpose is closely linked to the empowerment of women and girls, because every person is beautiful. It’s also inclusive, as The Body Shop advocates for all who identify as women, regardless of race, gender, class, ability, sexuality, age, or body type. 

The brand isn’t only committed to equality but also to the well-being of animals and our planet. The Body Shop uses only natural ingredients and doesn’t test on animals. 

Since the ultimate goal is for everyone to feel good about their bodies, one admirable point that ensures they remain committed is their corporate manifesto. The brand also uses its global voice to campaign for positive change.

The Body Shop

Key Takeaways

– Be vocal about what you’re fighting for.
– You can create your own company manifesto that highlights your purpose.

11. Walgreens

Like many brands, Walgreens is committed to corporate social responsibility. As a healthcare brand, the goal is simple: everyone deserves quality healthcare. Through campaigns, strategic partnerships, and more, they strive to achieve this goal.

They support people’s well-being through charitable giving and partnerships in the fight against cancer. They also promote diversity and inclusion. For this, they’ve received numerous awards, such as being one of the 50 best companies for multicultural business opportunities. 

So not only do they hire a diverse workforce, but they’re also committed to disability and veteran inclusion. Product integrity is also important, as they’re transparent about their ingredients and processes.

Key Takeaways

– If you get an award or recognition – show it.
– Share the reason why what you’re doing is important – focus on the real issues.

How To Become A Purpose-Driven Brand As A Business

Have you been inspired by these brands and hope to make a difference in your community? 

Learn how to become a purpose-driven company.

1. Revisit Your Vision And Mission Statement

When you started your business, you had a mission and a vision statement. As with most brands, this may have even influenced the name of your business. Take some time to go over your original business goals. Ask yourself if this is something you still want to commit to.

Often, this will inspire you to stick to your original goal. After all, it’s the reason you started your business in the first place. But it may also be that, like Axe in our examples above, you’re motivated to do something else. Whichever option you choose, it’ll give your brand a sense of purpose.

2. Take A Stand And Believe In It

Most purpose-driven companies have one thing in common: they’re passionate about something. Whether it’s giving back to the community or the planet, they’re committed to something. Instead of playing it safe, take a look at the issues at hand and advocate for what you care about most. This shows that you’re working for a better world – something everyone wants to see.

Stay Consistent

Once you find a purpose, stick with it. Stay consistent in your efforts and track your progress. Nike has been doing this for over 20 years, and as you can see, it’s paying off. They’ve built a following for their products, and it’s the same with Starbucks.

Whether it’s through partnerships, events, sponsorships, donations, your company leadership, or even your employees, stay consistent. Create focus areas and action plans for how you’ll achieve your goal. And then share your progress in annual reports, blog posts, or press releases.


Being a purpose-driven brand means commitment. But most of all, it means staying true to your brand goal. This way, you’ll not only acquire quality clients who share similar values, but you’ll also create a loyal base of users who’ll defend your business.

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